Serving a Wide Range of Industries
We can handle a variety of parts production requirements, from very small to large parts. We have the experience of running many types of plastics: from Polypro to Engineering Grade Polymers. Our full-service in-house mold shop can build, repair and service tools.
We can build interchangeable inserts to be used with a common base, supply you with sample parts, and even put your products directly into production based on a custom mold. We are dedicated to meeting delivery dates, cutting costs and keeping our customers satisfied.
Partial Equipment List:
- (18) Press 35 Ton 0.8 oz through 400-ton 48 oz. Van Dorn’s of which 13 are Electric Machines
- Dryers 50# through 200# Capacity
- Grinders 2 H.P. through 10 H.P.
- Desiccant Dryers
- Thermolaters (water & oil)
- Matsui, Sterling & Motan Dyers and Loaders
- Computer-Aided Scheduling & Production Monitoring
- Barcoded Inventory